Friday, May 30, 2008


Yesterday we attended a gathering for international workers here in this part of the world. We also visited the U.S. Military base later on yesterday evening.

At these places, we made several contacts which will help the efforts here for the current school Doris founded. We also learned that the military can distribute school supplies, food and clothes which were donated from the U.S..
The challenges for distributing supplies is that they tend to get over run with people if they're not careful about how they go about it. The commander in charge of the project told us they hand out tickets ahead of time, then return to distribute at a later date which seems to work OK. The only snag is that word spreads so quickly here, that neighboring people who are also just as deserving find out. The military always takes more material than tickets to help with this, but no matter what, there's never enough to go around.

The plan today is to set up a place and time for this in the slums and to locate potential buildings to open medical clinics with Dr. Hadi. Through our contacts here locally we will be able to gain access in these areas.
More later. Time to hit the road.

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